This card can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a simple card with button that can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a simple card with link that can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a simple card with top section that can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a simple card with bottom section that can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a banner card that can be used as product card or to display any other information.
Any card can be used with this spotlight gradient animation. This card can be used as product card or to display any other information.
This is a contact card that can be used as workforce introduction.
This is the description of the person that you want to provide.This is an evervault card recreation from Aceternity UI that is done using React and TailwindCSS. The design credits go to Aceternity UI.
This card is inspired from the Aceternity UI. It is re-developed using only Tailwind and React.